Sunday, 19 December 2010

Fortnightly Photo #5 - Minmatar desktop BG

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Here is the last desktop backgorund of the series. Next will be some other art inspired by eve. Sorry about not actually posting this on Friday, i forgot, what with the holidays and me not being at home and all that but here it is now. I hope my Minmatar friends like it.

I actually like this one the best out of all four of them, In my opinion the colours contrast each other well and the simple design with rough edges brings out the true sticky tape and glue feeling of minmatar ships. hope you like it too.

If you have any ideas for future Fortnightly photo's please comment below. If you would like to see the other backgrounds or some other art, use the following links.

All artwork

Caldari Desktop Background
Gallente Desktop Background
Amarr Desktop Background

Fly safe,
Serenity one