[Latest update: January 10th, 2011]
The following list is in constant evolution as per the EVE Blog Pack's organic nature! Only the blogs I deem worthy of being part of the Pack make it on the list, and more importantly, stay on the list! See the original post below.
- A Ghost Blog, by Mr NOXx
- A Merry Life and a Short One, by Hallan Turrek
- A Mule in EVE, by Manasi
- A Scout's Domain, by Lumenarious Rex <-- Back in the Pack, yet again!
- Aggressive Tendencies , by Perseus Kallistratos
- Angry Care Bear (The), by Serenity One <-- ey, thats me!
- Astral's EVE Trial by Fire, by Astral Dominix
- Chocolate Heaven, by Kala
- Cogito Ergo Yarr, by Arrhidaeus
- Diary of a Pod Pilot, by Myrhial Arkenath
- Ecliptic Rift, by Casiella Truza
- Elitist (The), by Xeross
- EON :: The official EVE Online magazine, by @EONmagazine <-- NEW
- EVE A to Z, Lex Starwalker
- EVE PRIVATEER, by Rebecca Aventine <-- NEW
- EVE Travel, by Webspaceships
- EVE's parity bit, by Paritybit <-- NEW
- EVEOGANDA, by RixxJavix
- Fiddler's Edge, by Mord Fiddle <-- NEW - FINALLY!
- Finders and Keepers, by Aiden
- Flashfresh - A Pirate, by Flashfresh
- Freebooted, by Seismic Stan
- Helicity Boson, by Helicity Boson
- Hydrostatic capsule (The), by Cailais
- Inner Sanctum of the Ninveah, by Kirith Kodachi
- K162space, by Blake
- Kane Rizzel - A Pirate's Perspective, by Kane Rizzel
- Letrange's EvE Blog, by Letrange <-- Back in the Pack, yet again!
- Life in Low Sec, by Mynxee
- Mike Azariah, by Mike Azariah
- Morphisat's Blog, by Morphisat
- My Loot, Your Tears, by Paul Clavet (with contributions from Khalia Nestune)
- Our EvE, by Kename Fin
- Planet Risk Show (The), by Luminus Aardokay & Quivering Palm
- Ravings of a Lunatic, by Dos Tu Mai ‘Dossie’ Kielle <-- NEW
- Rifter Drifter, by Wensley
- Roc's Rambling, by Roc Wieler
- Scram Web - An EVE Online Blog, by Toterra <-- NEW
- Sleepless in Space, by Shadai <-- NEW
- Tiger Ears, by Tiger Ears
- Wench with a Wrench, by Maeve
- where the frack is my ship?, by Eelis Kiy <-- NEW
- Yarrbear Tales, by 00sage00