Monday 13 September 2010


CCP have been busy. they have been testing character technology for incarna and have been blogging about the Carbon framework they use with all there games and what they will most likely use for the characters in incarna.
Here is a preview of the carbon character technology. It is short but it looks pretty damn good.

Theres also another video showing off the physically simulated clothing using NVIDIA APEX which can be seen here.

CCP have blogged about it the carbon framework and the different teams within CCP lately and its a good read (if your into that kinda stuff). Also the main carbon page on the CCP website if you want to read more about it could be found here if you clicked.
Also dont forget to check out the Incarna trailer (i am sure everybody has seen it but for some reason i hadn't till now) which can be found round about here. Eve has really come long way. Here is "this is eve" and "this is eve II" by loxyrider. personally i think they are the a couple of the best eve video's.

That be all for now.

fly safe,
Serenity One